The Roundtrip by the Longest Slovak Valley
40 km 910 m 14 +
Fast uphill parts boost your heart, but calm it down in beautiful long downhil sections. Just go for it!
It is possible to start route in any place. Direction from Čutkovská dolina leads by forest road and rises up to the mountain pass Pod Červeným Grúňom. Beautiful technical downhill section starts here which gets you in Ľubochnianska valley, from where you continue by forest asphalt road to Ľubochňa. Continue by the right bank of river Váh to Ružomberok. Surface change here from aspfhalt to dirt and back.
Route crosses International Road E50 in Ľubochňa. Be careful at this point.
Let be fascinated by beauty of nature of Veľká Fatra. Enjoy views as well as pleasant forest shade and peace. Visit more than 100 years old water powerplant in Ľubochňa. Check the progress of building of highway in the right bank of river Váh. Entertain you and your kids in "Obrovo" in Čutkovská dolina or enjoy good local food and refreshment in traditional restaurants.