Support Us

Support Us

Thanks to your support we can do more thing better.

We are bringing to you and all cycling community complex information, where to ride, what to see and what to enjoy in our beautiful Liptov area.

We are planning to build a unique cycling center in Slovakia connected to amazing nature and regional heritage. A new trails project with more than 50km coursed is done and approved by authorities. All trails will be connected to existing cycling routes or to downhill park.
Your support enables us effectively to plan and work on projects to improve your cycling experience!
Please find list of your friends and our fans on page bellow.


1. My donation

Amount of your monthly donation
Monthly Donations

2. Contact informations

First name


E-mail *

3. Payment Method

Potvrdením údajov súhlasíte s pravidlami používania V ďalšom kroku Vás presmerujeme na stránku, kde bezpečne vyplníte Vaše platobné údaje. Po úspešnom prijatí daru Vám zašleme informačný email. Ďakujeme!

R_BK | RUZOMBEROK.BIKE Cycling Centre - Rental

Young, kind boy handling the renting service. We rented electric bikes, they were fast, clean, exactly as expected.
RK Bike
Juraj Forgáč
RK Bike
peter sari
top hodnotenie ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐