Old miner's settlement below Nízke Tatry mountain. The place where golden fever smacks you.
It is situated at the end of Ľupčianska dolina, at an altitude of 1,080 m, under the hills of Ďurková and Zámostská hoľa. Via location of Tajch is connected with Partizánska Ľupča, via settlement Železnô and Liptovská Lúžna with Lúžňanská and Revúcka valleys. Magurka was founded as a mining settlement in the 14th century, although the area was known for gold mining since 1250. Gold was mined and washed by hands. In the 19th century there lived and worked up to 250 miners. Mining production was around 10-11 kg of gold and silver and more than 3000 m³ of antimony. The Kilian shaft was 3 km long, Ruseger 1.6 km and Ritterstein 1.4 km. After the end of unprofitable mining in 1923, the equipment was transported to Banská Štiavnica and the buildings were sold. Thus, only a small part of population remained in Magurka, and in 1928 only 75 people lived in 20 houses.