Archeopark Liptovia
The live project of prehistoric settlement below Nízke Tatry mountains near Partizánska Ľupča village.
It is a unique concept in Slovakia, which aims to bring experience of prehistoric life, from hunters in stone age to last germanes. Complex of residential and economic buildings documents life and culture according to real archaeological findings from the territory of Slovakia. Site provides a wide range of options from trying archeology to trying different forms of crafts and live animals will also come in the future. Archeopark will be the place of of festivals that complement the offer of tourist attraction in Liptov. How you can find it? At the end of Partizánska Ľupča, just 300 m behind the last apartment is a hill and cycling crossroad. Turn left to gravel road and than immediately right. There is gravel road round the water station. Turn right again about 100 m before coming to object and keep go straight by meadow untill you see the gate. Archeopark opening is planned with Utgard festival for June 30 - July 1, 2018. (www.utgard.sk)